
February 1st, 2008

1, Watch the PowerPoint presentation. Write a summary of the key points (in Japanese or English) on your blog.
質問ものせて、ブログに直接書かずにMicrosoft Wordでスペルチェックしてから載せる。翻訳を使わない。
2. What is the purpose, objective, of a newspaper company?
You have a message for many people.
3, What is the purpose, objective, of a television company?
They are message that someone wants to convey.
4, What is the purpose, objective of Yahoo! or Google?
I think that instant information.
5, The purpose of all the above is to make money. That is the purpose of all these businesses. How do they make money? By getting as many readers or viewers (”eyeballs”) as possible. If their purpose is to get as many readers or viewers or “eyeballs” as possible, then what kind of news will they publish? Give 2 or 3 examples. What kind of news will they not publish? Give 2 or 3 examples.

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