1. マドレーヌマッキャンは、誘拐されたまままだ見つかっていない。
2. 「パンとサーカス」は,「ローマの平和」を意味する。
3. I declare that "a fool already gives up having" Paris Hilton among prisons?
Paris Hilton where confinement was decided on again on 8th, the following day although it was released once on June 7 was returned to Century Regional Detention Facility of Lyn Wood confined in prison at first in the night of 13th after having spent six days with a medical ridge of Twin Towers Correctional Facility in downtown of Los Angeles. A state of health is stable, and words of reflection seem to state that "a fool already stops" it.
・confinement ・following ・released ・Regional Detention Facility ・stable ・several days ・thankful ・addition ・openly ・acted
5.It shared it on 14th to have sent "two" letters to position club for a call of the Japanese player that a Japanese association belonged to Europe by the Asian Cup. Director オシム suggests FW Heights, a call of MF Nakamura Shun after a representative of Japan staff meeting of the day before. An association executive officer "took out two of them". I was not precocious, but a plateau, entering representative Asian Cup of Nakamura Shun became certain in acknowledgment of reported street and two calls despite whom
・It shared it ・letters to ・for a call of ・association ・by the Asian ・Director ・suggests afterarepresentative of ・entering representative ・acknowledgment
6. みんなのブログを見て「パンとサーカス」のニュースっていろんなのがあるんだなぁと思った。
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